How To Consider Which Platform Will Be Best For My App Project?

When you have a great idea, it may be tempting to roll…

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How To Consider Which Platform Will Be Best For My App Project thegem blog default (1)

When you have a great idea, it may be tempting to roll out the door and build an application for all existing devices – iPad, iPhone, Android, desktop, laptop, and the list goes on. Thus, deciding the best platform for the app project is crucial.

However, in most cases, it’s usually a good idea to start building a platform for the first, not multiple. Building a quality application that works well in a single device is difficult enough. Code bases are essential as well.

If you’re starting with a single platform, chances are you’re deciding between Android and Apple iOS.

The two companies represent more than 90% share of the smartphone market.


When you have a great idea, it may be tempting to roll out the door and build an application for all existing devices – iPad, iPhone, Android, desktop, laptop, and the list goes on. Thus, deciding the best platform for the app project is crucial.

However, in most cases, it’s usually a good idea to start building a platform for the first, not multiple. Building a quality application that works well in a single device is difficult enough. Code bases are essential as well.

If you’re starting with a single platform, chances are you’re deciding between Android and Apple iOS.

The two companies represent more than 90% share of the smartphone market.

Considerations For Choosing The Best Platform For The App Project

Its application is an important project, so you need to make sure it is properly developed. Choosing the best platform for the app project can cause anxiety in the hearts and minds of many.

A Company That Is Willing To Help Brainstorm

It is very important to find a company that is willing to brainstorm with you to make sure your idea is perfect.

A Company That Offers Continuous Support Applications

Find a company that will continue to provide support even after it has launched its application. You need a company that will help with marketing applications and help you correct or updates any defects are discovered after the application reaches the market.

A Company That Cares About Your Success

As every consumer knows, not all companies care about their customers. A company developing applications that not only excels at customer service is necessary, but is willing to offer an open and happily willing to address all your concerns communication.

A Company An Impressive Portfolio Online

The fact that the website looks great, does not mean that the company is. You need to dig and see what types of businesses have worked before.

A Company That Is Focused On The Solution

The whole purpose of an application is to help solve the crucial problems that people face. You need to find an innovative development company that is focused on the solution and is willing to help find the source of their problems while developing practical solutions and long term.

9 Considerations To Choose Your Mobile App Development Platform

Here are 9 considerations that will help you choose the best platform for launch and promotion of app project:

Market Share

The first way to decide on the development platform of mobile applications is to learn about each of their market shares.

According to the market research Google’s Android holds 80 percent of mobile devices in the world. On the other hand, Apple’s iOS runs about 14 percent of mobile devices worldwide.

However, this has not forced iOS out of the race. iOS is preferred by users in countries like the US, Japan, and Australia.

And so, if your target audience, you should consider the IOS. Android is preferred by users in Asian and African countries and is the best platform for mobile application development if you’re looking to reach users in these regions.


When it comes to choosing from a variety of mobile app development platforms it is also important to consider demographics.

Android users are often those of a group of lower-income. Android devices are preferred because they are quite affordable. In addition to this, Android mobile devices usually belong to people of an older age group.

However, because a majority of Android applications are available for free, there is less commitment to them. iPhones, moreover, are preferred by users who belong to a group of medium and high income.

These users are generally educated younger individuals who are open to spending money when it comes to buying digital products such as mobile applications.



Content also plays an important role in deciding which mobile app development platform will be feasible for your app. Thus, spend time on content.

Research has found that those having IOS devices tend to explore a variety of categories of applications when looking to download a mobile application.

From games and entertainment, the media and education, iOS users tend to download different types of applications. It has also been found that users of Android, unlike iPhone users usually download exclusively social applications. Therefore, when choosing a user experience, it is important to consider the content categories.

Navigation-to-Buy, conversion rates

Conversion rates-navigation-to buy should always be considered when choosing between mobile app development platforms.

Studies have shown that this rate is higher among users of iOS. 23% of iPhone users are more likely to make purchases from their smartphones. Android users, however, are less likely to do this. Cross-platform apps are likely to help for this.

Revenue Generation

As mentioned in one of the above, iOS users are more willing to buy applications. This is why iOS applications generate higher revenues than to Android applications. Therefore, if you are looking to create an application that is a product itself, as a game application, then platform mobile application development is necessary to collect is iOS.

Development Costs For Mobile App Development Platform

Costs that come with different mobile app development platforms vary. For example, when developing an application for Android, it requires developers to write 40 percent more code, and this, in turn, costs of application owners 30 percent.


This also plays an important when you want to develop a mobile app. Android is the best option in this case because this platform allows developers to add many more features and enhancements to applications, while iOS can be very limiting.

The launch of the App

If you are looking to start up easily its application in an application store, then Android is the platform for developing mobile applications to choose from. This is because it is much easier to launch an application on Google Play, which Apple App Store because Apple requires each application to go through a thorough approval process.


In some cases, however, the cost for designing the same application can be higher for Android devices, due to a larger number of devices that will need to design for comparison with Apple.

iOS As Mobile App Development Platform: Pros And Cons

Apple users are more loyal than Android users, ie, users of Apple tend to stay with Apple instead of switching to a different operating system. It can be considered the best platform for the app project, keeping in mind certain restrictions.

While Apple focuses on the premium smartphone market and customers with higher income, Android is aiming for massive adoption.



Android as a Mobile App Development Platform : Pros And Cons

For instance, Android has a large advantage compared to Apple in emerging markets (i.e. Asia, Africa, South America). It is the best platform for the app project, as it has more users as compared to iOS.



Wrapped Up

iOS and Android both have their advantages and disadvantages. Android allows you to reach a wider audience, but the audience Apple is more committed and loyal.

We shoot for innovation, and that’s where we have to – if you’re ready. Innovative mobile business strategies.

According to IDC, nearly a third of all mobile applications business projects fail. Why? Companies can not find skilled developers and designers in mobile applications. And do not keep up with the pace of releases.

At Echoinnovate IT, we help our customers increase their productivity and manage their clients with our ingenious development of mobile applications. Whether you are embarking on a new business solution, trying to revive a business project with no mobility, or looking to hire a skilled full-stack developer – we can help with the development of mobile applications! Contact Us Today!

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