Why You Should Not Create Your App Using DIY App Makers?

DIY App Makers: Why You Should Not Use Them? Diy app makers…

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DIY App Makers: Why You Should Not Use Them?

Diy app makers are popular because the market for mobile applications is constantly increasing, as a result of which all small and big business wants to make use of the benefits of mobile applications. There are plenty of ways to create your own application (such as DIY app makers), no matter what your business is. Many entrepreneurs and business owners are in the dilemma of hiring agencies for mobile application development or choice of marker DIY application. However, it is always better to keep a traditional approach to mobile application development, rather than using application developers DIY.

The digital landscape is brimming with potential currently due to the phenomenal rise in demand for mobile apps. Many mobile app owners are now raking in millions of dollars in revenue.

Thus, making this industry incredibly lucrative. According to Statista, mobile app revenue is going to hit nearly $582 Billion in 2021.

The mobile apps are performing well in the market. However, DIY app makers are struggling to keep up with the kind of technological development.

Problems that DIY apps face today:

Python is adaptable and utilized in many industries and applications. Let’s examine some of the Python uses:

DIY app makers don’t exhibit their security protocols, which means it’s harder to trust them, especially if your app needs to store sensitive information such as credit card numbers of your customers. Moreover, when you customize with templates it offers room for branding in comparison to custom mobile apps which are incredibly lagging in other aspects.

This becomes a major roadblock towards executing the app in such a way that it aligns with your vision.

Having said that, if you’re still looking to make a DIY app using an app builder, here are some DIY app builders that are highly trustworthy and offer commendable features that you can use to get your app up and running.

Top DIY App Makers (Alternatives) You Can Opt For If You Want To Make It Yourself

1. Swiftic

Swiftic is one of the biggest DIY app development platforms in the market, powering more than a million mobile apps.

Founded in 2010, Switfic comes with six different app navigation styles and seven unique app design templates.

What makes Swiftic stand-out is the customization it provides in the app design to inculcate your company’s branding within the design work.

Image Credits : apptooltester.com

2. Appy Pie

Appy is a fast-growing app builder that is based on a drag and drop UI, designed for people with no knowledge of coding.

In its application, Appy Pie is a great platform to create mobile apps that are more content-heavy.

For small-sized businesses and startups, apps made on Appy can be a great way to penetrate the consumer market of their industry.

Their price plans are incredibly pocket-friendly, with their basic plan costing $9.99 /month, professional plan costing $29, Business plan costing $79, and enterprise plan costing $199.

Appy Pie
Image Credits : techseen.com

3. BuildFire

BuildFire is one of the most recognized platforms to create a business application, mostly serving companies and brands at an enterprise level.

For people creating their mobile apps on BuildFire, one advantage that they get over other platforms is the ability to release updates frequently and testing those updates on the fly.

Image Credits : buildfire.com

4. AppInstitute

Based in the UK, AppInstitute is an excellent platform that allows for Android app development, iOS app development, and Progressive Web App development.

AppInstitute allows mobile apps to have access to its very own payment merchant, allowing users to make in-app payments – which makes the platform much secure than other options.

Users are charged $49/month for Android apps and Progressive Web apps, while iOS apps cost around $81/month.

Image Credits : getapp.com

5. GoodBarber

GoodBarber is a France-based app building platform that is widely considered as one of the most tech-supportive platforms for apps. Some unique features that GoodBarber offers include Geofencing and iBeacons

Image Credits : topbestalternatives.com

How to Choose between DIY and Custom App Development?

Growth And Budget
Image source: pngimage.net

1. Budget

2. Growth

How Much Money Can An App Make In 2023?

Money App Can Make In 2020

image source: giphy.com

All mobile apps are made with an ROI target in mind. One factor that you have to consider when projecting your ROI is how much money can an app make. Also, how much of a difference will you face in generating these ROI figures. This should be thought in regard to when you opt for DIY app makers as compared to opting for custom app development. Most mobile apps that are successful across a variety of industries. The industries such as healthcare, games, real-estate and most of these apps are custom built. 

This is where the argument turns against using DIY app makers. In the long-run, custom apps are more capable of providing genuine value to your consumers. These apps also help in staying up-to-date with the latest trends in mobile app development. For businesses, generating revenue through mobile apps is vital. Custom apps are far better at converting traffic into revenue, as opposed to DIY platforms. This is because custom apps are more personalized, provide better functionality, and are more optimized. Thus, they provide a great user experience.

Wrapped Up

As an entrepreneur, you have to make a decision based on what’s more important to you. If you decide to cut down on expenditure, then DIY app makers can help you build a mobile application. In the long-term business, its scalability, and the overall user experience of an app plays the most vital role. At Echoinnovate IT we can help you with your custom mobile app development. Contact Us! Today.

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