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Question Dating App

Question Dating App Top Dating App Solutions

Question Dating App: Redefining Online Dating

In a landscape where most applications fall short with outdated matching algorithms, EchoinnovateIT presents the Question Dating App—a revolutionary solution meeting modern users’ expectations.

Question introduces an engaging approach to revitalize your online dating experience. Upon downloading, users can create a profile with images, hobbies, and other details, enabling our advanced preference-based matching algorithm to find compatible matches automatically. Say goodbye to mundane encounters and embrace a new era of personalized matchmaking with Question.

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Expectations of the client

Having a team of dedicated developers, we have extensive experience in providing top-notch custom mobile app development solutions for various industries, including Dating App solutions. We understand the unique requirements of dating apps and strive to deliver 100% satisfactory results to our clients. With over a decade of experience in this industry, we know every nook and corner of the app development process and use the latest technologies to create innovative and user-friendly dating apps that cater to the specific needs of our clients.


The client wanted to get an exception app designed that stands out in the market.

Question Dating

The client was aware of the fact that there are multiple dating apps available in the market. He wanted to make sure his app stands out in the crowd.

Matching up the right profiles

To match up right people based on their requirements, interests, hobbies and other factors required an AI-Based algorithm. We had to make sure the app users are getting profiles which they can find interesting.

Unique app for the unique users

We made an app with filters and a fun-questionnaire game. Once you swipe right on any profile you will get a chance to ask questions to the other person.

Artificial Algorithm For Profile Matching

The app will first ask the user to add its likes and dislikes and then each user will get recommended profiles based on their interests.


With AI and intuitive design, we provided match accuracy and fun use Custom dating app Solution

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Build your own profile

The user can enter their own profile by entering their name, date of birth, age, location, hobbies, and one can manually enter their own questions and set up points for each question.

Swipe Right and Left on users

You can swipe right on Question’s interested users and left on their uninteresting ones. You may make that choice by looking at people’s profile images, details about themselves, and hobbies.


Each user of the dating app has a unique set of demands. A quick fling, a committed relationship, or just meeting new people and seeing where it goes are all options for some individuals. Age, gender, zodiac sign, education, political affiliation, religion, and other factors may also be important to people. This is why a custom dating app solution must include a filtering option.

Question Game

After you swipe through profiles, Question uses its proprietary technology to pair you up with other players in the Question Game. What sets our app apart from others is the Question Game! When you connect with someone, you begin playing the Question Game, where the Questioner is the one who swiped first and the Questionee is the one who responds to questions. The Questioner can select from the “Question Bank,” ask one of their “Top 5 Questions,” or let you write your own question.

Score 100 points

The Questionee then responds to the question, and the Questioner assigns points based on how much they liked the response. You are able to send messages and schedule a meeting if you and your opponent reach 100 points. The user can manually add points to each question.

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Why wait to ask the right question? This app is really helpful for the users to not waste their time by meeting people and then deciding.

The USP of this app is to ask questions on the basis of which one can decide if they can go further to date this person or not.

Our Development Process


We started the development process with an application discovery workshop. Our cross-functional team, business analysts and developers spent 5-6 days understanding the vision of the client.

After that they decided which features are required to deliver the objective of our client via the mobile application.

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In the second phase we created the design sprint of the app that helped us to understand the direction of our planning and expectation of the client.

We shared the design sprint to the client and based on their suggestions we finalized the design of the application.


Once the design was ready; we started working on the frontend and backend development of the application instantly.

The project manager was in constant touch with the client throughout the development process to make sure the client is updated with the progress.

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The testing team was also working simultaneously with the developing team and once the application was tested completely we delivered it with the code to the client.

