mutual go

Mutual Go Application

Mutual Go Application Simplify your event coordination with our user-friendly cooperative app

Mutual Go, developed by Echoinnovate IT, is more than just a mobile app—it’s a manifestation of solidarity in the digital age. Conceived and meticulously crafted by young, passionate cooperative members, Mutual Go aims to revolutionize the solidarity-cooperative model. Through innovative design and intuitive features, it endeavors to reshape perceptions and experiences, making solidarity not just a concept, but a vibrant and tangible reality in the lives of users. Join us on this journey as we redefine solidarity through technology.

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Expectations of the client

Young, enthusiastic cooperative members who want younger generations to understand the cooperative concept of solidarity came up with the idea for the smartphone app Mutual Go. The client wanted to highlight the competitive advantages that, for years, have led to the growth of the solidarity sector, mutual aid, and cooperativism.



A registration screen is seen in the first section of Mutualgo. The introduction below then displays three sections.

– My Partners
– My Communities
– Requests


Users and entities can both form community organizations for shared interests. Other community customers can view their posts, events, and ideas.


Sometimes we all require assistance. Users of the MutualGo app, whether they are “affiliated” or not, can seek support in cash, kind, or through cooperatives or other users of the app.


Find and join groups based on their interests

It was a challenge for us to find a way where users can find the right communities and groups to join. We had to find an easy way to make the search results as relevant as possible.


With intuitive search and filter options; the users can find the right community and groups easily.



As a result, app users, solidarity-owned entities, or nonprofit foundations can design their own social campaigns, expanding their potential audience and expanding their geographic reach. Have a need for an application that can help a certain community with a problem? Contact us today. For you, an effective and scalable application will be developed by our professional app development team.

Our Development Process


We started the development process with an application discovery workshop. Our cross-functional team, business analysts and developers spent 5-6 days understanding the vision of the client. After that they decided which features are required to deliver the objective of our client via the mobile application.

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In the second phase we created the design sprint of the app that helped us to understand the direction of our planning and expectation of the client. We shared the design sprint to the client and based on their suggestions we finalized the design of the application.


Once the design was ready; we started working on the frontend and backend development of the application instantly. The project manager was in constant touch with the client throughout the development process to make sure the client is updated with the progress.



The testing team was also working simultaneously with the developing team and once the application was tested completely we delivered it with the code to the client.

