Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Hotel Industry: Everything Need to Know

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the performance of apparently intelligent tasks by…

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Artificial Intellgence in the Hotel Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the performance of apparently intelligent tasks by machines. Artificial Intelligence is a concept that has existed since the 1950s. But what are the Uses of Artificial Intelligence in hotel industry?

AI refers to computers or machines carrying out tasks that were generally thought to need a cognitive function to carry out. It is majorly related to concepts like automation and big data.

Why Artificial Intelligence is becoming Important in Hospitality Industry?

Artificial Intelligence is playing a progressively key role in hospitality management, mainly because of its ability to carry out generally human functions at any time of the day.

This potentially means that hotel owners can save significant money, get rid of human error, and provide superior service.

In particular, customer service is an essential part of the travel industry. With artificial intelligence in the travel and hospitality industry, the possibilities for improving this aspect are almost limitless, ranging from increased customization to tailored recommendations.

One of the important customer service challenges for hotels is responding to customer queries quickly and artificial intelligence now provides an additional option for handling this problem.

Uses Artificial Intelligence Within the Hospitality Industry

These 3 points show how beneficial artificial intelligence can be when used in the hospitality industry, listed in more detail below-

1. In-Person Customer Service

In Person Customer Service

An example of artificial intelligence within the hospitality sector is the use of artificially intelligent robots to deliver in-person customer service.

Although there are plenty of hotels adopting AI robots, ‘Connie’, the Hilton Hotel’s very own concierge is the best example.

The robot is able to give tourist information to customers who interact with it.

By interacting with the robot customers can ask queries such as hotel services, facilities, and hours of operation.

2. Chatbots and Messaging

Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

Another excellent way to use AI within the hospitality sector is for front-facing customer services, such as direct messaging and online chat services responding to simple queries or requests.

AI chatbots can be used on social media platforms to answer queries around the clock and get almost instantaneous responses.

This is essential to hotels as it provides instantaneous response times which are almost impossible with human-to-human interaction.

3. Data Analysis

Data Analysis in AI

Uses of Artificial Intelligence is also great within the hospitality sector; it can be used for data analysis by quickly sorting through huge amounts of data and developing important conclusions about current or potential customers.

The ‘Dorchester Collection hotel chain’ is one such example of a hotel that has used AI data analysis to sort through data collected via online reviews or surveys.

The Uses of Artificial Intelligence has been able to do an analysis of the information to draw conclusions about overall performance.

Benefits of AI in the Hotel Industry

AI is also great within the hospitality sector; it can be used for data analysis by quickly sorting through huge amounts of data and developing important conclusions about current or potential customers.

The ‘Dorchester Collection hotel chain’ is one such example of a hotel that has used AI data analysis to sort through data collected via online reviews or surveys.

The Uses of Artificial Intelligence has been able to do an analysis of the information to draw conclusions about overall performance.

1. More Personalized Search Results

More Personalized Search Result

Last year, a tech company known as Avvio launched the world’s first direct booking engine powered by machine learning, Allora.

Uses of Artificial Intelligence brings insights from users’ interactions together and determines the way to optimize their experience by finding the best hotel or online experiences.

By personalizing search results, the engine increases the chances of interaction, thus taking personalization to a whole new level.

2. Managing Big Data Easily

How to AI help in Big Data

Artificial intelligence has the capability of analyzing big amounts of data in a short amount of time.

By streamlining the data analysis process, an activity operator can better utilize that data to make decisions regarding their business strategy.

The challenge of analyzing data will be simplified by technology that is intelligent enough to make strategic choices about guest characteristics and behavior.

3. Enabling Travelers to Research Travel Options with a Chatbot

Chatbot for Trave Industry

The list of the features and benefits that the company’s chatbot is recently capable of providing are-

Answering queries regarding transport, data changes, arrival or departure times, and payment.

What are the things you must consider before implementing AI?

Every technology comes with some disadvantages or issues to keep in mind. All you need is support from an expert company that can help you in the adoption process and after the deployment. Any company can provide you AI services but you need a company that can provide you support services even after the completion of the project. Here are two things you will have to keep in mind about AI:

1. Still Developing

Even though AI has made tremendous progress in the past few years, the field is pretty much in its early stages.

AI’s decisions are based on human input, it is possible to feed incorrect data hence, causing inappropriate decisions.

While this can get better with time as the technology develops, it’s clear that at this point AI can’t be trusted with making key decisions.

2. Data Privacy Issues

This is one of the most critical concerns that all businesses looking to take advantage of AI will encounter.

Data collected by the computers or machines during interactions with users can be potentially used for other purposes; consequently, the risk of data privacy violation is involved.

This means that hotels may face some problems with getting more customers to use their AI-based tools.

Closing Remarks about AI in Hospitality Industry

AI definitely has a scope in the hospitality industry i.e., From assisting hotel personnel with answering guests’ queries to providing personalized recommendations via dedicated search engines.

Although, in order for technology to become the new best friend for both hoteliers and travelers. There is a need to resolve some significant challenges. With increasingly countries working on data privacy and other AI-related laws.

It’s reasonable to put forward that the hospitality industry will have to follow plenty of regulations.

The key to the success of hoteliers here is to show that they cater to the individual side of the hospitality industry. And successfully accelerate the customer experience.

And if all these requirements are fulfilled. It’s all right to assume that AI will soon begin changing the way hotels are run.

It’s time to make a decision! and Develop an AI-Based App for Your Hotel Industry. Looking for a reliable team of app developers to transform your hospitality business? We have the experts for you.

Our team of AI specialists will help you adopt the technology and leverage it in the best possible way. Get in touch with us today to get started on this digital journey of transformation together.

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